

Your Prep Guide

Exfoliate and shave 24+ hours prior to your appointment with an exfoliating mitt or an oil-free body scrub. This step is crucial or your tan will not last!

Lash, nail, hair and botox should be done before your appointment. Spray tans should always be the last step. 

No deodorant, lotion, perfume, oils or makeup should be on your skin when you arrive to your appointment. 

Bring dark & loose clothing and flip flops to put on after you have been sprayed. 

Luxury spray tans take between 20-30 minutes.

Your Aftercare Guide

Wait the given amount of hours until showering. This amount of time is very important for the proper development of the tan.

Avoid all activities that could get your skin wet (dishes, laundry) or make you sweaty while your tan is processing.

Wear loose, dark clothing until your first rinse. 

Do not apply lotion, makeup, deodorant OR oil to your skin until after your first soap shower. 

Aftercare products are CRUCIAL to maintaining your tan. Ask me about these!

Mineral oil, petroleum, alcohol, parabens and sulfates found in most creams and body washes can cause your tan to fade prematurely.

Keeping your body moisturized is KEY to making your tan long lasting. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated from the inside out.

Avoid the use of baths, hot tubs and chlorinated pools!

When processing time is up, rinse with warm water until the water runs clear.

During your first rinse avoid all soap, shaving, hair washing, etc.

If you are a regular tanner, please be sure to exfoliate your tan off prior to a new application!

Ready for your flawless spray tan, babe?