Frequently asked questions

The most common questions we get from our clients


  • Exfoliate and shave 24+ hours prior with an oil-free body scrub. This step is crucial!
  • Hydrate as much as possible.
  • Absolutely no dove soap within 72 hours of your session or after.
  • Make sure to exfoliate off any self-tanner or spray tan you may have on with an exfoliator mitt!
  • Avoid showering, shaving, washing your hair within 12 hours of your session
    *if you must shower right before, only rinse with cool water*
  • No deodorant, lotion, perfume, oils, or makeup should be on your skin.
  • Bring dark & loose clothing to put on after you have been sprayed.
  • Be prepared for weather conditions! Bring an umbrella and closed-toed shoes if rain or snow is expected!


  • Wait the given amount of processing time until showering. This amount of time is very important for the proper development of the tan.
  • Avoid all activities that could get your skin wet (dishes, laundry) or make you sweaty while your tan is processing.
  • Always wear loose, dark clothing until rinse time.
  • Do not apply any lotions, makeup, deodorant, oil to your skin until after your first rinse.
  • When processing time is up, rinse with warm water until the water runs clear.
  • During your first rinse avoid all soap, shaving, hair washing, etc.
  • Aftercare products are CRUCIAL to maintaining your tan. Ask me about these!
  • Mineral oil, petroleum, alcohol, parabens and sulfates found in most creams and body washes can cause your tan to fade prematurely.
  • Keeping your body moisturized is KEY to making your tan long lasting. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated from the inside out.
  • Avoid the use of baths, hot tubs and chlorinated pools!
  • If you are a regular tanner, please be sure to exfoliate your tan off prior to a new application!


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